jetspeed.url.retrieveContentは既に確認しているので、詳細は飛ばすが、jetspeed.url.retrieveContentはアクセスに成功すると、contentListener.notifySuccess( data, requestUrl, domainModelObject ) ;を呼び出す。ここで、contentListenerは、PortletContentListenerなので、
jetspeed.om.PortletContentListener.prototype = { notifySuccess: function( /* String */ portletContent, /* String */ requestUrl, /* Portlet */ portlet ) { portlet.setPortletContent( portletContent, requestUrl ); }, notifyFailure: function( /* String */ type, /* String */ error, /* String */ requestUrl, /* Portlet */ portlet ) { dojo.debug( "PortletContentListener notifyFailure url=" + requestUrl + " type=" + type + " error=" + error ) ; } };
setPortletContent: function( portletContent, renderUrl ) { var windowWidget = this.getPortletWindow(); if ( windowWidget ) { windowWidget.setPortletContent( portletContent, renderUrl ); } },
getPortletWindow: function() { var windowWidgetId = this.getProperty( jetspeed.id.PORTLET_PROP_WIDGET_ID ); if ( windowWidgetId ) return dojo.widget.byId( windowWidgetId ); return null; },
setPortletContent: function( html, url ) { var initialHtmlStr = html.toString(); if ( ! this.getInitProperty( jetspeed.id.PORTLET_PROP_EXCLUDE_PCONTENT ) ) { initialHtmlStr = '<div class="PContent" >' + initialHtmlStr + '</div>'; // BOZO: get this into the template ? } var ppR = null; if ( this.portlet ) { ppR = this.portlet.preParseAnnotateHtml( initialHtmlStr, url ); } else { ppR = jetspeed.ui.preParseAnnotateHtml( initialHtmlStr, url ); } //this.executeScripts = true; var setContentObj = { titles: [], scripts: ppR.preParsedScripts, linkStyles: [], styles: [], remoteScripts: ppR.preParsedRemoteScripts, xml: ppR.preParsedContent, url: url, requires: [] }; this.setContent( setContentObj ); if ( setContentObj.scripts && setContentObj.scripts.length > 0 ) { // do inline scripts - taken from dojo ContentPane.js _executeScripts var repl = null; for( var i = 0; i < setContentObj.scripts.length; i++ ) { // not sure why comment and carraige return clean is needed // but better safe than sorry so we keep it, Fredrik // Clean up content: remove inline script comments repl = new RegExp('//.*?$', 'gm'); setContentObj.scripts[i] = setContentObj.scripts[i].replace(repl, '\n'); // BOZO: despite the comment above from the dojo code, we cannot do this (carriage returns are syntatically required in javascript) // Clean up content: remove carraige returns //repl = new RegExp('[\n\r]', 'g'); //setContentObj.scripts[i] = setContentObj.scripts[i].replace(repl, ' '); // Execute commands if ( jetspeed.debug.setPortletContent ) dojo.debug( "setPortletContent [" + ( this.portlet ? this.portlet.entityId : this.widgetId ) + "] script: " + setContentObj.scripts[i] ); eval( setContentObj.scripts[i] ); } } else { if ( jetspeed.debug.setPortletContent ) dojo.debug( "setPortletContent [" + ( this.portlet ? this.portlet.entityId : this.widgetId ) + "]" ); } this._executeScripts( { scripts: [], remoteScripts: setContentObj.remoteScripts } ); if ( this.portlet ) this.portlet.postParseAnnotateHtml( this.containerNode ); }
まず、始めのif文は、jetspeed.id.PORTLET_PROP_EXCLUDE_PCONTENTはnullだろうから、入って、ポートレットのコンテンツに対して、PContentクラスを持つ div タグを追加するだろう。
preParseAnnotateHtml: function( /* String */ portletContent ) { return jetspeed.ui.preParseAnnotateHtml( portletContent ); },
jetspeed.ui.preParseAnnotateHtml = function( /* String */ initialHtmlStr, /* String */ url ) { // deal with embedded script tags - /=/=/=/=/= taken from dojo ContentPane.js splitAndFixPaths() =/=/=/=/=/ var scripts = []; var remoteScripts = []; // cut out all script tags, stuff them into scripts array var match = []; while ( match ) { match = initialHtmlStr.match(/<script([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/i); if(!match){ break; } if(match[1]){ attr = match[1].match(/src=(['"]?)([^"']*)\1/i); if ( attr ) { // remove a dojo.js or dojo.js.uncompressed.js from remoteScripts if ( (attr[2].search(/\/?\bdojo.js(?:\.uncompressed.js)?/i) != -1) && (dojo.hostenv.getBaseScriptUri() == attr[2].match(/[.\/]*/)[0]) ) { dojo.debug("Security note! inhibit:"+attr[2]+" from beeing loaded again."); } else { remoteScripts.push( attr[2] ); } } } if ( match[2] ) { // get rid of html comment blanket var scriptText = match[2].replace(/^\s*<!--/, ""); scriptText = scriptText.replace(/-->\s*$/, ""); scriptText = scriptText.replace(/function\s+([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)\s*\(/g, "window.$1 = function(" ); // strip out all djConfig variables from script tags nodeValue // this is ABSOLUTLY needed as reinitialize djConfig after dojo is initialised // makes a dissaster greater than Titanic scripts.push(scriptText.replace(/(?:var )?\bdjConfig\b(?:[\s]*=[\s]*\{[^}]+\}|\.[\w]*[\s]*=[\s]*[^;\n]*)?;?|dojo.hostenv.writeIncludes\(\s*\);?/g, "")); } initialHtmlStr = initialHtmlStr.replace(/<script[^>]*>[\s\S]*?<\/script>/i, ""); } //dojo.debug( "= = = = = = annotated content for: " + ( url ? url : "unknown url" ) ); //dojo.debug( initialHtmlStr ); //if ( scripts.length > 0 ) //{ // dojo.debug( " = = = script content for: " + ( url ? url : "unknown url" ) ); // for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts.length; i++ ) // dojo.debug( " =[" + (i+1) + "]:" + scripts[i] ); //} // /=/=/=/=/= end of taken from dojo ContentPane.js splitAndFixPaths() =/=/=/=/=/ //dojo.debug( "preParse scripts: " + ( scripts ? scripts.length : "0" ) + " remoteScripts: " + ( remoteScripts ? remoteScripts.length : "0" ) ); return { preParsedContent: initialHtmlStr, preParsedScripts: scripts, preParsedRemoteScripts: remoteScripts }; };
postParseAnnotateHtml: function( /* DOMNode */ containerNode ) { if ( containerNode ) { var cNode = containerNode; var formList = cNode.getElementsByTagName( "form" ); var debugOn = jetspeed.debug.postParseAnnotateHtml; if ( formList ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < formList.length ; i++ ) { var cForm = formList[i]; var cFormAction = cForm.action; var cFormPortletEntityId = this.entityId; // BOZO:can I assume that it is always my entity-id (ignoring the one in parsedPseudoUrl) var parsedPseudoUrl = this.parseJSPseudoUrlActionRender( cFormAction ); var submitOperation = parsedPseudoUrl.operation; if ( submitOperation == this.PORTLET_REQUEST_ACTION || submitOperation == this.PORTLET_REQUEST_RENDER ) { var replacementActionUrl = this._generateJSPseudoUrlActionRender( parsedPseudoUrl ); if ( replacementActionUrl == cFormAction ) { if ( debugOn ) dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] adding onSubmit (portlet-" + submitOperation + ") and leaving form action as is: " + cFormAction ); } else { cForm.action = replacementActionUrl; if ( debugOn ) dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] adding onSubmit (portlet-" + submitOperation + ") and changing form action attribute from: " + cFormAction + " to: " + replacementActionUrl ); } this._addOnSubmitActionRender( cForm, cFormPortletEntityId, submitOperation ); } else { if ( djConfig.isDebug ) // want to see this, for now dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] form action attribute doesn't match annotation criteria, leaving as is: " + cFormAction ) ; } } } var aList = cNode.getElementsByTagName( "a" ); if ( aList ) { for ( var i = 0 ; i < aList.length ; i++ ) { var aNode = aList[i]; var aHref = aNode.href; var parsedPseudoUrl = this.parseJSPseudoUrlActionRender( aHref ); var replacementHref = this._generateJSPseudoUrlActionRender( parsedPseudoUrl ); if ( ! replacementHref ) { if ( debugOn ) dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] leaving href as is: " + aHref ); } else if ( replacementHref == aHref ) { if ( debugOn ) dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] href parsed and regenerated identically: " + aHref ); } else { if ( debugOn ) dojo.debug( "postParseAnnotateHtml [" + this.entityId + "] href parsed, replacing: " + aHref + " with: " + replacementHref ); aNode.href = replacementHref; } } } } },